As the world of mobile continues to grow with smartphones (74% of smartphone owners use their devices to check email – Gartner), tablets, and now even smartwatches, the need for optimize for mobile email is obvious. However, 39% of marketers have no strategy for mobile email (eConsultancy).
Did you know, according to research conducted by Gloria Mark at the University of California at Irving, that that average number of times email is looked at is 74 times per day? At first that number may sound ridiculous and exaggerated, but take a second to think about it.
Email has become so engrained in what we do, that we don’t even realize that we do it as often as we do. 74 isn’t such a big number if you think about all the opportunities mobile brings to check our email: Before work, during lunch, after work, before bed, and of course while sitting at your desk. Email is a part of the way we live and that we get things done.
The reality nowadays is the new age worker is constantly “plugged-in” even on non-working hours through these mobile devices. The following 8 stats (and the 3 above) show the importance of including mobile optimization in your marketing strategy.
- 69% of shoppers are influenced to make a purchase on mobile by company emails. (Adobe)
- 70% of consumers delete emails immediately that don’t render well on a mobile device. (Bluehornet)
- Nearly two-thirds of consumers subscribed to mobile marketing indicate that they have made a purchase as a result of receiving a highly relevant mobile message. (Responsys)
- Mobile makes up the majority of email opens at 51% (Litmus)
- Mobile offers are redeemed 10x more frequently than print offers. (eMarketer)
- Over 95% of emails are only opened on one device. Very few users open emails on mobile first and save for desktop later. (Knotice)
- 90% of consumers who have joined mobile loyalty programs feel they have gained value from them. (Zoomerang)
- By the end of 2018, worldwide mobile email users are expected to total over 2.2 billion. By this time, 80% of email users are expected to access their email accounts via a mobile device. (Radicati)
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