Alaniz Marketing

Enough Inbound Marketing Content Ideas for a Whole Month

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BLOG IDEASBlogging is a fast-paced medium that requires the constant flow of new ideas. While frequent and innovative posts are a sure way of boosting your visibility, sometimes the “well” runs dry of creative ideas.

For that reason we provide a month’s worth of creative inbound marketing content ideas that can be applied to your business. Start with one of these topics, add a little inspiration, and you’re well on your way to another successful blog post.

Inbound Content Ideas for a Whole Month

  1. Write a “how-to” article. You’ve got lots of specialized knowledge. Give some of it away in a post. Write instructions clearly and simply, and include screenshots or photos to give it more pizzaz.
  2. Write a Do/Don’t list, and fill it with unique examples of best/worst practices.
  3. Connect your content to current events or people in the news. In the 2012 election process there is bound to be something that you can relate to your industry or company. Or use a celebrity example to illustrate how to do or not to do something.
  4. Have one of your employees write a “Day in the Life” post. People are interested in what a day is like for an architect, a college administrator, a corporate trainer, a sales person, etc.
  5. Share what you learned at an industry conference or a local seminar. If you illustrate with materials from other people, be sure to attribute them properly.
  6. Create a short video illustrating something about your product or service.
  7. Start a Twitter discussion and use Storify to share the results.
  8. Do a survey of your community on a topic of interest to them, using Survey Monkey, Zoomerang, or another survey platform. Make the survey fun to increase participation. Consider including an offer of a free download, discount or something else as a thank you for doing the survey.)
  9. Write about breaking news in your industry from your own unique perspective. Remember, this news may be well-known in your office, but do your customers and prospects know about it? Gain some thought leadership by being the one to tell them!
  10. Interview an expert from your company or from your industry and post the interview. You could even post excepts from the interview (and Tweet them!) and include the full audio or video recording for those who are interested.
  11. Disprove common common or false assumptions that people may have about your industry.
  12. Ask your sales staff for 10 frequently asked questions. Pick one and blog about the answer. Save the other 9 for a rainy day — you’ll need blog content next month, too!
  13. Write about something your company is doing to improve the community. Or showcase what an individual in your company does as volunteer service and the difference that person makes.
  14. Celebrate the success of one or two people in your company. Identify these superstars and tell your readers what a great job they’re doing!
  15. Highlight a new technology or service at your company. Explain why you adopted the technology or offered this service and how it is helping your customers.
  16. Guest blog — ask an industry expert or a competitor to guest blog for you and then return the favor.
  17. Talk about the training your company provides its employees, or some employees, and how that training benefits your customers.
  18.  Write about a topic from an eBook or white paper. If you have the rights to it, end with a call to action to download the original for a complete copy. Otherwise, contact the author to get permission.
  19. Do a comparison of 2 or more different products or services you offer, or one of your products or services versus the product(s) or service(s) that other vendors offer.
  20. Interview a customer with an interesting story.

That’s it! 20 content ideas for the twenty business days in a month.

4 Bonus Content Ideas

  • Use an in-depth case study of one company, one product or one aspect of your field to illustrate your knowledge.
  • Survey your Twitter community with Twtpoll [] or your Facebook friends with a Facebook Question and write about the results.
  • Do a weekly or monthly recap of your most popular or important posts, including links to the originals.
  • Put a search term into FactBrowser and write about some facts you find interesting.

Happy blogging!

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