Alaniz Marketing

I Have Nothing to Write About: 15 Content Marketing Ideas

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I’ve spoken to plenty of marketers who make excuses for not regularly publishing new content by saying they’re too busy, they don’t have enough resources, or, overwhelmingly, they don’t have anything to write about it. We all know that content creation is increasingly essential in getting found online, increasing visitors, and converting those visitors into leads and eventually customers. But knowing it’s important doesn’t help us take the right actions.

So for those of you who don’t think you have anything to contribute to your audience, think again. Here are 15 ideas for topics to write about over a range of platforms.


  1. Write a Do/Don’t list, and fill it with unique examples of best/worst practices. (Hint: Use numbers in your list, and add a number to the title. It will stand out to your reader’s eye and create interest.)
  2. Use your slides from a presentation you made to illustrate your article. It could be a detailed look at a specific topic or a consideration of the entire presentation, depending on the subject and length. You might even be able to turn it into a series of blog posts.
  3. Using media and visuals adds a lot of interest to your blog post. Try linking to a short video in your post and then discuss its relevance to your audience. If you’re feeling brave, create your own how-to (or other educational) video.
  4. Create or use an old slide presentation, perhaps of statistics for your industry. Use Slideshare [] or another platform to place the slide show on your blog, or share it on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and others with the Pro version. When posting it on your blog, make sure to add a paragraph or so introduction and add [Slideshare] to your title. Ex: 36 Statistics about the Effectiveness of Inbound Marketing [Slideshare]
  5. Use an in-depth case study of one company, one product, or one aspect of your field to illustrate your knowledge. (Hint: You could also use this as an offer with a landing page, and write a teaser or excerpt from the case study for your blog post.)
  6. Share your thought leadership by reviewing a recent book about your industry or a subject your customers are interested in. Support your opinion with experiences and stories from your business.
  7. Ask one of your employees to write a “day-in-the-life” post, describing what life is like for an architect, landscaper, in-home caregiver, etc.


  1. Check your @replies regularly and reply to your users’ questions promptly. (Hint: this piece of advice may seem obvious, but you’d be amazed at how many companies ignore their direct messages and replies. You can really stand out from the crowd by simply acknowledging your audience when they reach out to you.)
  2. Post real-time updates about an event you are attending. Include exciting news about what’s happening and insights you get. Make sure, though, that you only tweet what your followers will be interested in.
  3. When your blog post is a list of tips, tweet one of them as a teaser and link to the post for the complete list.
  4. Tell a joke related to or about your industry. Create a riddle and give the answer the following day, or link to a landing page that contains the answer.


  1. Show your community spirit – document your company’s or employee’s community service with photos, videos, and text entries. Give your Facebook friends information about how to donate to or volunteer for the cause you are promoting.
  2. Facebook Insights gives you demographic information about your fans. Learn about the regions, ethnicity, etc. represented in your community and post a status like, “Wishing everyone a Happy _______!”


  1. Join groups that your audience is likely to be in. For every blog post and new offer, send it out to those groups. Be careful, though, as many people will likely be in multiple groups. Stagger when the post is sent to each group, so they won’t be bombarded with you in every group.
  2. Post relevant company information, updates, news, and industry news to your company page. Add a new status 2-3 times per week.

What other types of blog posts and content do you create for your audience? We’d love to hear your creative ideas!

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