Alaniz Marketing

The Weekly RAP for October 19, 2012

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There’s some exciting things going on! Check out our latest posts this week!

Also, we’ve picked out some informative articles and great reading from around the web we think you’ll find valuable too! Happy reading!

This Week on our Blog…

Website Marketing for the Accidental Marketer

With more than 78.3% of the U.S. population online, it’s not too hard to affirm, website marketing is one of, if not, the most important aspects to a business and its long-term success. Who performs the all important tasks surrounding this facet of a business isn’t necessarily as important as what  is being done day to day to ensure results that deliver that all important ROI…

No Lead Nurturing Campaign? You’re Up a Creek Without a Paddle!

You’ve packed all your supplies, tethered your canoe to your car top and your off on your great adventure. As you get into the water you sit… and sit. You forgot the oars? Ha, well you’re not gonna get too far…

A Guide to Mobile Website Design

We’ve been doing a lot of research lately into mobile website design, and want to share with you what we’ve discovered. We entered this process “knowing” that responsive web design was the answer to developing a website that looked great on a wide variety of platforms. It turns out that while it makes sense from a maintenance point-of-view to have a single website for all devices, this frequently leads to less-than-optimal performance on some devices.

22 Mobile Marketing Stats You Should Know

Has the growth of mobile caused you to invest more in your mobile business strategy yet? It’s time to get serious about your mobile marketing strategy, since 47% of Americans own smartphones

and Some Worthwhile Reading From Around the Web…


Nine Tips for Building a Solid Mobile Website

For many people, mobile devices have become the primary way of accessing the Internet. In fact, in some parts of the world, mobile internet usage has surpassed desktop internet usage. In short, your audiences are fast becoming mobile… but is your website mobile yet?

1 in 4 Google Search Queries Is Local

About one-quarter (24.24%) of all search queries conducted via Google are for local goods and services, according to a study by Chitika Insights. However, Bing and Yahoo users are more likely to conduct local search queries: 28.81% of queries conducted via Bing are local searches, as are 25.28% of queries via Yahoo.

Tips for Handling Negative Comments and Trolls on Social Media

Today, many businesses have second thoughts about joining the social media world because they are afraid of the potential for negative comments. Instead of missing out on one of the best marketing tools available, businesses can be prepared to handle the negativity that is likely to come their way.




6 Tips for Using LinkedIn the New Endorsements

A word of praise goes a long way in social media. LinkedIn recently made the endorsement process super-easy with just a simple click. LinkedIn Endorsements are now live across the United States, India, Australia and New Zealand, and rolling out to everyone else over the coming weeks.



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