Alaniz Marketing

Website Marketing: Spooked by Blogging?

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I admit it! When it comes to website marketing, nothing spooks me more than blogging. Yet, because it’s so crucial to your website’s ability to get found online, this isn’t a task to be overlooked. Despite this, it seems there’s only so much you can write about, something tells me I might’ve already written about that before and distractions abound…  I would have to believe I’m not alone in my sentiments. Now, I will premise everything I say with if you’re not utilizing a marketing/editorial calendar, your life is much harder than it has to be, however, that being said, staying on task and trying to create fresh, remarkable content on a regular basis is not only scary, it’s HARD work!Because of this sentiment, when I’m at a loss, I refer to these tips, tricks and sources of inspiration and I often get a fresh dose of bravery. Too, I find great strength in numbers and us bloggers must stick together. As it is, I’d feel like a greedy goblin hoarding my bag of candy if I didn’t share…

Be Yourself

First and foremost, give yourself permission to be yourself. Develop and stay true to your unique voice and perspective. What attracts and keeps readers coming back to a blog, often is the blogger’s unique view on a topic of interest. Blogs that are written in an honest voice and shows who you really are is often what’s most popular. Represent yourself and your content openly and honestly and reader loyalty will assuredly grow.

Set a Timer, Take a Break

Working on a task for longer than 25 minutes at a time can cause you to go stale. For this reason, I’ve implemented Focus Booster on my desktop. This is based upon The Pomodoro Technique as a time management method created by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980’s. Though not a magic wand, “it can be used for any kind of task and enables you to view time as a valuable ally in accomplishing what you want to do”.

The technique uses a timer to break down periods of work into 25-minute intervals (referred to as “pomodoros”) separated by breaks and is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.

There are five basic steps to implementing the technique:

  • decide on the task to be done
  • set the pomodoro (timer) to 25 minutes
  • work on the task until the timer rings; record the task status
  • take a short break (5 minutes)
  • every four “pomodoros” take a longer break (15-20 minutes)

No doubt, if you’re anything like me, you’ll find a break from your desk is like a breath of fresh air! Better yet, go get some. Exercise isn’t just a mental break, it’s a healthy and positive drug for our brains. A brisk walk outside can rejuvenate your senses and allow you to see another perspective, sometimes like magic.

Filter out Unwanted Distractions

One of my greatest weapons when I’m not concentrating like I need to because of the bustle of the office, is my headphones. Listening to different pieces of music or meditative type instrumentals like ocean waves or a bubbling brook can not only quiet the voices, but it transports me to the more imaginative recesses in my mind quicker than anything.

Understand your Customer

Hopefully, you’ve developed a passion for truly understanding your customer and their unique needs. On a more universal level however, are the fundamental deeper desires we all share. Post these 12 Commandments next to your desk and you’ll have an impetus to drive content that resonates from this place of acknowledgement.

12 Commandments of Customer Relations

Thou Shalt (understand)…

  1. …your customer wants to feel important
  2. …your customer wants to be understood
  3. …your customer craves being appreciated
  4. …your customer wants two things: success and happiness
  5. …your customer wants you to truly listen
  6. …Your customer will NOT connect unless he feels valued
  7. …your customer buys emotionally but defends logically
  8. …your customer’s average attention span is very short
  9. …your customer is drawn to those who show true interest
  10. …your customer wants to teach YOU something
  11. …your customer is NOT interested in you, per se
  12. …your customer wants your help in some aspect of life

After reaffirming these customer commandments, hopefully, you’ll be inspired to write in ways that touches a number of these sweet spots. When you do, not only will you be addressing a specific area of interest, you’ll position yourself as someone who really understands and cares about their needs. Moreover, the success of your website marketing campaign is contingent upon these values.

Still Suffering From Writer’s Block? 

Here’s a couple of ideas that might get your juices flowing…

RSS Feeds

Using a feed aggregator like Google Reader or Feedly for Firefox can provide a quick and easy idea list for your blog. Choose blogs and sites you value most and then, glean ideas from their most popular posts. If it inspires you, chances are good it’ll inspire others too.

(If you find information on another website that you’d like to discuss on your blog, be sure to provide attribution and provide a link back to the original source; it’s good karma and you don’t want to risk being accused of violating copyrights, plagiarism or stealing content from another blog or website).

Social Media

Pay attention to the people and pages you follow and make lists of those who regularly share information you find valuable. You can also gain valuable insight by reading the feedback posted by others. And, you never know when all those memes could inspire your next blog.

Case Studies

Ask permission from one of your clients to profile them as a case study (or use their persona type) to expound on the specific challenges they face and what’s important to them and why what YOU offer is the solution. In doing so, you will position yourself as someone who really does understand and care.

Role Reversal

Look at your reader’s concerns through their eyes and write a story from their perspective. This approach in-and-of-itself has a huge capacity to resonate with your readers who, undoubtedly have the same concerns. If necessary, interview a customer/reader to get their input.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

This is a great way to expound on the greatest concerns your audience might have and your opportunity to convey the benefits to working with you because of the solutions you’ll provide.


Infographics have become very popular in today’s digital media. They’re fun to look at, present information in a concise and easy to digest manner and have a high share factor. If you’d like an easy to use template based platform from which to create, I highly recommend It offers a free or paid version and it’s fast, fun and easy!

Need more ideas? We’ve created an eBook with 107 of them and it’s FREE to our readers! Get your copy today!

FREE Ebook: 107 Ideas for Content Marketing

Never run out of great content again!

  • Fill your blog with content that resonates with your readers
  • Share your content through social media
  • Position your company as a thought leader
  • Make your content about your community
  • Reproduce existing content
  • Analyze the effect of your content

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